Systems & Data Committee

Charge: Review and recommend new methodologies that state and other government entities are currently or potentially using that provide for more modern technological solutions and options for state child support programs. Review and recommend options, alternatives and best practices for contracting, feasibility assessment, planning, business process re-engineering, development and implementation. Develop recommendations (including statute, rule, or manual changes) and advisory documents to share with OCSE on behalf of NCCSD.

Agenda and Minutes

Committee Charge and Bylaws

Contracts and Agreements

    IV-D Distribution At-A-Glance workflow

    OCSE Collaboration Tool Quick Start Guide and training info

    OCSE Data Analytics Reports for IV-D Directors - NCCSD/OCSE webinars

    Past Years/Archives


        State Systems Lessons Learned Webinars Fall 2021

        Vendor Forums Fall 2019 Replatforming-Refactoring and Low Code-COTS Approaches

        Working Papers

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